Who Are We?

The Tacoma Photo Center is dedicated to building equity in the arts by providing an accessible space for our local community to create and flourish. Self expression is an important part of life, and we strive to lower the barriers and expenses that make photography and the arts so challenging for people to engage with.

We are committed to providing a safe and respectful space for everyone to create and express themselves.

Our Facilities

  • Our darkroom consists of eight enlargers, and can print negatives from 35mm to 4x5. We work with black and white chemistry. Our darkroom is also stocked with a number of alternative processes, including cyanotype, salted paper printing, and gum bichromate. We now offer RA-4 printing by appointment, please contact us for a reservation.

  • We provide chemistry for black and white processing, as well as C-41, E-6, and ECN-2. We keep equipment on hand to process a variety of equipment for all film formats.

  • Our digital lab consists of three Apple computers, paired with Epson scanners. Our machines run the Adobe Suite and SilverFast 9.

  • We have a large free camera library, and offer rentals of 35mm, medium, and large format, as well as lenses and some lighting equipment.

  • We provide a lighting space that includes strobes, hot lights, and constant lights, as well as stands and backgrounds

Our founder, circa 1991