
Tacoma Photo Center is able to provide a low-cost community arts center thanks to your generous donations. Your gifts help to provide chemistry, equipment, courses, and workshops, as well as establishing scholarships so that our programming is accessible to everyone in our community

One-time donations can be made through the donate button below, and recurring donations can be made through the PayPal button below. Thank you for your support, your donation means the world to us!

Deb Huke in Memoriam

Deborah Huke was a founding member of Tacoma Photo Center, as well as one of its biggest supporters. She was a lifelong artist and musician.  She raised four boys, including Drew Lindgren, the founder and executive director of Tacoma Photo Center.

Deb was a lifelong advocate for equality and truly believed there was some good in most people. Despite her constantly calm and bewildered exterior, she was a deeply emotional person who passionately cared for the arts and for people’s ability to pursue their creative endeavors.

She spent her early career as an engineer and became a restauranteur before finally returning to school and becoming a luthier, which was her true creative calling. She was very excited about the Tacoma Photo Center opening and the support it would give to the arts community.

There are very few words that I can use to truly express her energy and who Deb was as a person. This scholarship fund was a request of hers that we worked on together after she got sick and knew she couldn’t travel and see space in person. We launched the fund upon her passing in February of 2023.

Your donation to this fund will be used to support accessible arts education in the community, including providing film, supplies, cameras, and programming access. My Mom truly believed that the arts should be accessible to everyone and we are honored to offer this scholarship to further her goal of sharing the arts with all.

Other Ways to Give

We love accepting donations of photographic equipment and supplies. Please reach out to schedule your donation drop-off or pick-up.

Word of mouth is a great way to support Tacoma Photo Center too! As we are a fairly new organization, telling people about the work we’re doing is a huge help! Follow us on our Instagram and spread the word!

Please keep us in mind for partnerships and sponsorships. We love working with other organizations to support arts in the community!