Upcoming Events

Photo by Jessica Archer

We are excited to partner with local organizations and community members to provide our community with a space to hold events, as well as to gather. Please contact us with any questions at contact@tacomaphotocenter.org

Tacoma Photo Club Anniversary Party

The Tacoma Photo Club is celebrating their one year anniversary at Manuscript on September 21st, from 3 - 6 PM. After a year of meet ups and building an amazing community, they’re ready to party! They’ve got prizes from Glazer’s, Brewer’s Row, the Tacoma Photo Center, and others, as well as a photoshoot hosted by Zeus Ramirez! Contact them at their Instagram with any questions, or for more details. 

  • September 21st, from 3 - 6 PM

Tacoma Studio Tour

We’ll be hosting artists from the community for the Tacoma Studio Tours this year! For more information, as well as a map of all of the open studios, check out the Tacoma Arts Month website. If you’d like to show your work as part of the tour, please contact us for more information!

  • October 12th & 13th, from 1 - 8 PM

Camera Market

The Tacoma Photo Center is happy to host a monthly camera market on the first Tuesday of the month from 5-9 PM. Our vendors are selling cameras of all formats, as well as lenses and other accessories. Please contact levymumfnich@gmail.com for more information.

  • September 3rd, from 5 - 9 PM

  • October 1st, from 5 - 9 PM

Art Market

We are excited to host a monthly market of local artists! Vendors from the local community will be selling all sorts of pieces, including photography, printmaking, and more. Please contact levymumfnich@gmail.com  for more information, as well as to apply to sell your work.

  • October 29th, from 5 - 9 PM

Queer Life Drawing

Every other Friday night, Tacoma Photo Center hosts a local Queer Life Drawing Group. Come and meet other members of the community and draw from a live model. More information can be found at their Instagram. 

  • September 6th, from 6 - 8 PM

  • September 13th, from 6 - 8 PM

  • September 27th, from 6 - 8 PM

  • October 11th, from 6 - 8 PM

Our ongoing programming is primarily brought to you by a generous commitment from the Tacoma Office of Arts & Culture.